米国でPS5の販売台数はPS4を9%上回り、Xbox SeriesはXB1を11%下回っていることが判明


 1: 名無しさん : 2023/11/17(金) 18:57:20.21 ID:2g4+9FDOd
>Yesterday at 3:08 PM
>Stolen from Welfare on InstallBase:
>LTD units PS5 +9% PS4, XBS -11% XBO
>PS4 LTD October 2016: 14,834,000
>XB1 LTD October 2016: 13,335,000
>PS5 LTD October 2023: 16,169,000
>XBS LTD October 2023: 11,869,000
>I hope you don’t mind me copy/pasting this Welfare.
>Super said:
>The Xbox One was fighting the Wii U, not the Switch.
>I don’t know why but this made me laugh.

Source: ゲーム感想・評価まとめ@2ch
