
1: 名無しさん : 2020/09/23(水) 03:32:46.63 ID:Aa4IEZlOa
There’s no official word on the setting, or anything else, but every rumour so far has suggested it’ll take place in the modern day, including comments from insider Tom Henderson who now claims that maps for the new game are being designed with 128 or more players in mind, i.e. 64 vs. 64 battles.

>最新リークによると設定は現代、新たなモードとして64 vs 64の128人対戦

New rumours about the next Battlefield suggests that EA is contemplating its own free-to-play battle royale spin-off to rival Warzone.




Source: ゲーム感想・評価まとめ@2ch
