id softwareのエンジンプログラマー「SeriesSのRAMに困惑している」

1: 名無しさん : 2020/09/11(金) 18:04:40.57 ID:M5PjYSm10
Axel Gneiting@axelgneiting
Really bummed about this RAM situation on the Series S. This isn’t easy to compensate and drags down base spec quite a bit for next gen multi platform.
RAM increase was already small compared to previous gen, now it’s almost non existent. RT BVHs also need a lot of mem on top.
RAMの増加は以前の世代と比較してすでにわずかでしたが、現在ではほとんど存在しません。RT BVHには、さらに多くのメモリが必要です。

Axel Gneiting@axelgneiting
Also “it always scaled on PC” is nonsense. Every AAA game in the past decade or so has their assets made once so they run on min spec.
Increasing sample counts a bit here and there for high settings isn’t what you could truly have done with more power. Min spec matters.


Source: ゲーム感想・評価まとめ@2ch
